University Temperature Standards: Inform you of Yale-specific temperature set-points for winter vs. summer, occupied vs. unoccupied, and recess periods (Energy Management)
Guide to Going Green: Offers a basic set of actions you can take to conserve energy and other campus resources (Sustainability)
Building Occupancy Trainings: Help you educate your peers about your building type, from labs to residential colleges, and provides best practices for optimizing resource use in your space (Sustainability)
Yale Recess Checklist: Provides students with instructions for reducing energy consumption over breaks.
Energy Posters and Fact Sheets: Serve as educational materials for your to post in your buildings and share with your building occupants electronically (Sustainability)
Green Workplace Certification: Provides you with a comprehensive checklist for reducing energy use and material waste in your workplace while enhancing your productivity (Sustainability)
Green Lab Certification: Complements the green workplace checklist (above) with additional tips developed specifically for labs (Sustainability)
Other Tools
Energy Explorer: Allows you to explore building-level energy usage, in total and by utility, at Yale (Facilities)
Utilities Shutdown: Helps you submit requests for scheduling utilities shutdowns for your building (Energy Management)